Stardenver mastodon (AP)
Werden dann Mails doppelt so schnell abgeholt? Wie verbessert man denn die Leistung bei einem Mailprogramm? 😂

Inhaltswarnung: I don't have a praise kink

Turi :18_plus: mastodon (AP)

Inhaltswarnung: I don't have a praise kink

Inhaltswarnung: I don't have a praise kink

Der Postillon 📯 mastodon (AP)
Frau verpasst komplettes Konzert, um wackeliges, verschwommenes Video samt undefinierbaren Geräuschen mit ihrem Smartphone aufzunehmen
Ihr habt den #Hashtag #Sexismus vergessen, um diesen Text korrekt zu Kennzeichnen.
Statt »Frau« hättet Ihr vielmehr »Mensch« schreiben können, eher müssen.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Wochen her)

Was ich mache bei innere Unruhe? Ja so bäm! 🚴‍♀️

NASA mastodon (AP)
Water Touches Everything #NASA

Heute Abend wir der DCP live verliehen! Seid dabei und fiebert mit :D

Los geht's schon jetzt auf TWITCH:

#dcp2024 #games #gamesverleihung #gameindustrie #gamedev #indiedev

Inhaltswarnung: I am anti-nationalism, but

Also drank some tea and my mental health went up by like 78% :dragn_tea:

Beginnt:  Sonntag, 07. Juli 2024, 23:00
Endet:  Montag, 08. Juli 2024, 02:00

Do It Together Présente:


TACHYON (Montréal)


(Member of Massa Nera)



17H00 At SOUNDCENTRAL, 4486 Av Coloniale

Inhaltswarnung: Nude for your viewing pleasure ☀️ // boost appreciated 💖


Inhaltswarnung: Nude for your viewing pleasure ☀️ // boost appreciated 💖

Inhaltswarnung: Nude for your viewing pleasure ☀️ // boost appreciated 💖

NASA mastodon (AP)
NASA’s Juno Gives Aerial Views of Mountain, Lava Lake on Io #NASA #Juno #Io #JetPropulsionLaboratory #Jupiter #JupiterMoons #TheSolarSystem

I needed that week of vacation but I'm missing my little flat so bad.
I guess I don't like being away from home too long :dragn_blanket_grumpy:
You'll come back soon and will receive loads of hugs and headpats! :neocat_hug:
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Wochen her)

Anarchist Quotes mastodon (AP)

If revolution results only in a change of dictatorship, then it is hardly worth while.
-- Emma Goldman

#anarchism #quote #bot

Volksverpetzer mastodon (AP)
Der Oberste Gerichtshof der Vereinigten Staaten, der Supreme Court, ist seit Trump fest in der Hand einer ultrareaktionären Mehrheit. Zwei aktuelle Entscheidungen haben dramatische Folgen für die Grundrechte der Bürger. Wie schlimm die Situation in den USA ist, analysiert Annika Brockschmidt.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Wochen her)
Eine Steilvorlage für unsere Rechtspopulistischen Parteien hier in Europa - die übernehmen ja eh' gern was in den USA so für 💩 gebaut wird um es hier zu wiederholen...
„Die Theorie des ‘fahrlässigen Protests’, wonach ein Anführer für die Gewalttat eines einzelnen Angreifers haftet,“ — hat damit der Surpreme Court festgestellt, dass Trump Schuld an allen Gewalttaten am 6.1. war? Selbst wenn er nicht aufgewiegelt hat?

One mans trash is another autistic dragon treasure :dragn_uwu_mlem:
Jena TransMILF mastodon (AP)
I do collect broken computers.

NASA mastodon (AP)
55 Years Ago: Three Months Until the Moon Landing #NASA #NASAHistory

rwhitworth mastodon (AP)

Fighting a lot of anxiety today.

Big @scream mood.

Endless Screaming mastodon (AP)

Gerry McGovern mastodon (AP)

I was working with a colleague calculating the weight of some code.

I had done similar work before so I knew it would be around 10 KB, maybe 30 KB at a stretch.

Before I could complain, my colleague went and asked ChatGPT.

It splurged this massive vomit of text and then at the end stated 300 KB. Just wrong. Just totally wrong.

We're destroying life on earth to get crap answers fast and easy. Instead of doing a bit of work to think and remember, we prefer wrong AI.

Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@A Sweet Gentleman In English, I think you'd say "take the easy road". ☺️
A Sweet Gentleman mastodon (AP)
@hypolite You're right. I should have remembered that 'laziness' was indeed a classic trope in justifying discrimination.
It was a poor choice of word on my part and I certainly didn't mean it that way .
I was thinking of 'choisir la facilité' (take the easy option?) which is, now that I look at it, different from laziness.

Inhaltswarnung: Selfie

Alina Norakari mastodon (AP)

Inhaltswarnung: Selfie

NASA mastodon (AP)
Two NASA Sounding Rockets Launch from Alaska During Solar Flare #NASA #SolarFlares #SoundingRockets #SoundingRocketsProgram #WallopsFlightFacility

Drove by this morning and had to take a picture

#efi #burgerking


Auschwitz Memorial mastodon (AP)

18 April 1907 | A Frenchman, Lucien Bellet, was born in Sotteville-lès-Rouen. A metal turner.

In Auschwitz from 8 July 1942.
No. 45224
He perished in the camp on 1 November 1942.

Gazaoui mastodon (AP)
Do you think he will be proud to see what happens right now to those Palestinians who welcomed his fellow jews fleeing execution ?

Michael Albert mastodon (AP)

#CSU: Nein zur Cannabislegalisierung.
#CSU: Nein zum Gendern.
#CSU: Nein zur Ehe für alle.
#CSU: Nein zum Bürgergeld.
#CSU: Nein zur Kindergrundsicherung.
#CSU: Nein zur Selbstbestimmung.

Aber die Grünen sind die Verbotspartei.


Jonathan mastodon (AP)
Kenya's FRANCIS OGOLLA, Chief of Defence Forces, dies aged 61, in an helicopter crash in West Pokot, today evening.
Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Jonathan Another helicopter crash?

This motherfucker changed my brain chemistry in irreversible ways when I was 9 without knowing it and I'm here around 15 years later dealing with the consequence
the hell is that show, it reminds me of smth but I don't remember :blobcatglare:
@floshie_ American dragon Jake long, it was a Disney show back in the day who got 2 seasons and radically changed their entire art style after the first season

Der Postillon 📯 mastodon (AP)
Verkehrswende: Standstreifen auf Autobahnen werden zu Radwegen umfunktioniert
Frank mastodon (AP)
Wo ist die Satire? Echte Radwege werden ja gar nicht mehr gebaut, man bekommt nur noch markierte Todesstreifen angeboten.
bikejourno mastodon (AP)
Großes Kino, der Autonation mitten in die Eier.
PS Bin auch schon aufm Pannenstreifen geradelt, in den Niederlanden nach einer Panne vom Auto vom Kumpel. Einfach auf den Pannendienst warten war nicht und die Mountain Bikes waren im Kofferraum.

Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)

I have been under the impression that recent full electric cars, including Teslas, are making a sound reminiscent to those older science-fiction movies with hover vehicles.

Now, did the recent vehicles copy those movies or did these movies accurately predict the sounds these vehicle would make, or is this how electric vehicles (that those movies would have used) sound by design, or is it selective memory?

Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@FediThing 🏳️‍🌈 Still not it, but this is so cool on its own, thank you for the share!
@Brian Ó Indeed, but do we know the inspiration of these artificial sounds?

I'm urgently searching an #apartment or room to stay for a friend who is an #Asylum seeker. Preferable in #Hannover or close by. She is pushed out by her current landlord and it's affecting her mental and physical health. Temporary stay would be fine, while she searches for a new apartment, but that might take a while. The rent market is tight and even worse for those receiving social security transfers, BIPOC, and Asylum seekers.
#rent #HelpRequest

Ich suche dringend eine #Wohnung oder ein Zimmer für eine Freundin, die Asyl Status hat. Bevorzugt in #Hannover oder in der Nähe. Sie wird von ihrem derzeitigen Vermieter rausgedrängt, was sich auf ihre mentale und körperliche Gesundheit auswirkt.

Jonathan Müller mastodon (AP)

Small tip for new speakers:

Don't end your talk with "are there any questions?" because then you get an awkward silence, then people realize it's over and start applauding, and then questions.

End it with "thank you for listening", wait for applause, *then* ask for questions.

Philip Trettner mastodon (AP)
ideally the last slide shows some summary of your talk, visual if applicable. You can add a "thank you" there if you really want but it's important that the "freeze frame" slide at the end makes it easy for people to remember your whole talk at a glance, not be a blank canvas.
Peter Sommerlad mastodon (AP)

I continue making that mistake after 30+ years of conference speaking

"What questions do you have?" also works

Endless Screaming mastodon (AP)

Werehouse: When you're a person but once a month you turn into a house.

waaah it’s this time of spring where it was already warm for a few days so my expectations are “hooray, i can open the window!” and the reality is that it’s like 8°C out there


meanwhile i'm sweating in the 11 °C sun with my jacket ​:blobcat_hotsun:

Ben :bc: mastodon (AP)

Tried to rip an audio file of the Wilhelm Scream just so I could post it here whilst saying "Big shout going out" after hearing someone say it on the radio. However it won't upload so I'm afraid I'm unable to do it, which has left me with a feeling of incompleteness. So as a really rubbish poor substitute, I present to you for your viewing pleasure......

Big shout going out

Ben :bc: mastodon (AP)

@scream @carcosa

Yeah you WOULD say that

Endless Screaming mastodon (AP)

Effin' Birds mastodon (AP)
@shadowbottle I haven't been approached about a collaboration


NASA mastodon (AP)
NASA Invites Media for Climate Update, New Earth Missions #NASA #Earth #ClimateScience #EarthDay #EarthScience #GoddardSpaceFlightCenter #PACEPlanktonAerosolCloudOceanEcosystem
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